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 [Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs"

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Messages : 8859
Points : 7670
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006

[Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs" Empty
MessageSujet: [Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs"   [Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs" EmptyMar 26 Jan 2010 - 17:16

[Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs" [[Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs" [Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs"

Citation :

Criticism? We do our own thing!

Popcorn: Are you happy with your new album?

Tom: Sure. The same as with
other albums. We don't stand down the wall, we don't have to record
"this or that". This are our lyrics and our music.
Bill: Sure - next year we will
think that we could done it in a different way, even delete some
lyrics. But it's already out to the world, someone likes it, someone

Some of your songs sound like you miss love - for example "Automatisch". You really want to fall in love so bad?

Tom: This song is mostly about things, which are really automatic, flatten, without feelings. We can say they are even fake.

Bill: We are sick of Internet,
cause it fakes everything - you can be wise-ass on the one side of
cable, but in your real life you are just ball of dust, which just sits
in the corner and is not able to even speak.

Do you think that Tokio Hotel success has changed you?

Bill: I think that it taught us
a lot. When I was 17 years old I've known how show business works.
People loved me, but at the same time they hated me.

Tom: That was a really good
lesson in such a young age. Whatever people say about us, it's always
bad. But we don't care about that. We don't want to say that some
changes are good, and some are not. You can find pluses and minuses in

Do you think that you have more fans after releasing new album?

Tom: Haha, we don't count them
and we don't have some filing system. I think we can describe our fame
with a word: "constans" - some fans stopped like us, but there are new
on their place.
Bill: And everything goes on. We are mostly concentrated to do our things, thanks to that we'll always have a fans.

A lot of young people identify with you - the wear the same clothes, sing your songs. Do you feel a pressure?

Bill: it nice, that's for sure. But only if this kind of identify is not regurgitated. Because we also make a mistakes.

Not long ago there were two affairs with you. There were even some people that have stalked you. Are you scared about your life?

Tom: We're trying not to talk
about that - it happened and that's it. Just two incidents (stalkers
and attack on Gustav). But Gustav doesn't have a luck - doctors had to
take out a glass from his head, he had car accident and then a thing
with appendix. And I won't talk about issue with those girls. We are in
danger as much as every normal person.

You seem to be crazy about music. Is there anything more important than music for you?

Tom: I feel like this question has a hidden depth! (laugh)

Bill: It's natural that family
is super important for us. Music is our hobby. Just find me someone who
thinks that football, chess or cinema are more important than family!

Tom: I guess that journalist
asked us about love. That's why I say - love is also very important.
But no, at this time we don't have anyone, we are too young! (laugh)

Let's be! Do you have any new goals in 2010?

Tom: We do what we feel good at - concerts, sometimes we do some things in studio... Nothing is changed in that matter!

When you are having concerts you drink some energizers?

Bill: Just don't tell us is
unhealthy, cause our world will be ruined! (laugh) Sure, sometimes we
drink such a things, but never too much.
Tom: Just because after 32 cans of it, you can't stand those burps! (laugh)
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Messages : 38
Points : 106
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

Âge : 28

[Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs"   [Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs" EmptyJeu 28 Jan 2010 - 19:38

Coucou les gens désolé j'ai la flemme de faire la traduction se soir je le ferais demain si elle est aps deja faite lol
bonne soirée a tous et a toute
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[Interview] Popcorn PL #2/2010 - "Nous faisons aussi des erreurs"
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