- What does it mean Tom's thumb tattoo?
It represents the five most important people in my life and the biggest dot represents myself!
- Have you thought about the new tour? Will you go again to all the countries that you visited with 1000 Hotels and Humanoid.. or maybe many fans of a particular country must assume that's not going to happen? Hahahaha THANK YOU GUYS!
Yes!! We'll definitely go on tour, about to plan the first dates!
- Georg do you remember of your rabbit ? https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/25057_1096641073516_2902461_n.jpg?oh=498caee75b1237c03a3181854f1e6581&oe=5486AB26&__gda__=1421351976_62c9e9a78db0c3a63b4e5983dc0156b7
Absolutely love that! bring it to the next show, ha ha
- This question is for Gerhart! (hahahahaha)
What is your favorite music of #KoS, Georg?
Great Day!
- I did put so much effort in it to get you on the Dutch radio and yesterday it finally happend!! what do you think about fans working so hard to promote you more in their country?
We absolutely appreciate it, means the world to us - thanks again
- So pumba is answering too ? Ahah
Oh yeah, he's right next to us...
- Whats your favorite german food? Expect from pflaumensaft right
We love the German bread and rolls!
- Why did you choose a man for the blowjob scene?
'cause he had no teeth.
- Is Pumba answering questions as well?
Ja, Pumba ist der größte Fan und feiert das ganze Album!
- Georg, why didn't you tell us that you were Johnny Bravo's twin ? http://instagram.com/p/pO3NN4jWWJ/?modal=true
Now you know, ha!
- what did Georg and Gustav get up to while Bill and Tom were in L.A??
Gustav was chopping trees and Georg was working on his 8 pack...
- How you feel right now? Do you think this album will be the best album ever?
Oh Yeah!
- What's your favourite scene of "Love Who Loves You Back"?
Weeeeell it's not in the final cut, #elevatorcam
- Do you like game of thrones ??? Tom looks like khal Drogo hahaha
Actually that's true and I like GOT... and Jon Snow is not dead!
- War das Vagina cover deine Idee Tom?
No shit, really was!
- TOM! Are you jealous of Georg? Because he's hot right now
Georg approves...
- You never answer me, but Bill, Pumbaa will be with you on tour?
Yes he's gonna be on my bus !
- Would you like to tour on Latinoamerica? Greetings from Uruguay!
That's a yes!
- All the world is talking about the changes in Tokio Hotel but.. What's will never change?
The band members !
- Guys, do you know that your fans all around the world are the best?!
Hell yeah!
- Gustav, Georg showed us a pict of yourself dressed as WinnieThePooh, u wear it at the next tour?
Nope that was Gustav's Halloween picture
- Vous aimez la France ?
Oui, nous aimons la France!
- How to spend your time in Germany?
go and party in Berlin!
- Does Pumba have a girlfriend? Haha!
Not so far, he's only ten moths...
- How do you feel about playing yours songs for the first time in a few days?
It's gonna be acoustic, so it's way different from the record, but we've prepared special versions -so it's gonna be great!
- Is it a good feeling, to know that all of us aliens are still so in love with you?
Yes, it feels amazing, you guys were so patient and we appreciate you support beyond words!!
- Gustav, you never smoke?!:DD
No I NEVER smoke
- Gustav and Tom, when will you open your Instagram accounts?
how about we start http://instagram.com/tokiohotel right now?!
- Tom wrote GGAG??
Yes, I wrote it with bill, was one of the first songs we did for the album.
- What's your favorite band/artist at the moment?
Tom: Chet Faker
Bill: Robyn
Gustav: Joe Bonamassa
Georg: MC Fitti
- You'll never answer me, but what was the most delicious food you've ever eaten?
We'll reveal this in the next Tokio Hotel TV episode...
- Do you still believe in "true love" & "right person"?
Of course - I do!
- What's your favorite alcoholic drink?
Bill: Whiskey Coke
Georg: Gin Tonic
Gustav: Whiskey Coke
Tom: Eastern Standard
- What are you going to do tonight?
Currently packing our stuff, press conference tomorrow in Berlin... who's with us?!
- How do you guys plan to celebrate halloween this year?
Getting fucked up in Berlin
5 min to goooo!
Thank you so much guys, we are packing our bags now !!!!